An overview of projects I've worked on.
I've worked on a bunch of different kinds of projects, and developed many tools for everything from fintech to cyber security and devops. Also, I like to make games and used to run a website for game modding.
If you just want to look through the code, you can explore my various public projects on my personal GitHub.
You can also check out an overview of some other sites I have run over the years here.
You can also learn more about my background here.
Back in highschool, I ran a website dedicated to modding old Nintendo games as well as homebrew game development called Gekinzuku.
The website has been dead for years at this point.
However, if you're interested, you can find the old projects on: Gekinzuku github
You can also find some of the old videos on: YouTube
James Games
Some various games I've made over the years.