James Education

An overview of my experience in education.

You can also check out my job experience here.


I had a rather unusual experience growing up. My mother had a masters in education and decided to homeschool me after about half of first grade in public school.

For high school, to improve my chances of getting into a good university, my mother enrolled me into Oak Meadow High School a distance learning high school for remote learning.

During this time, I ended up running a small website and IRC network for a homebrew game development and game modding community that was primarily focused on old Nintendo game systems. Check out my websites page for more information.

My parents encouraged me to spend my time learning programming but they also enrolled me in Boy Scouts where I stayed until I was eighteen years old and had earned both a spot in the Order of the Arrow and achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. You can read more about my experience in Boy Scouts & Eagle project here.


University of Michigan, College of Engineering, Ann Arbor, MI

Graduation: December 2015

Bachelor’s of Engineering, Computer Science Major, Music Minor. - G.P.A. - 3.502


* Operating Systems
* Networks
* Security
* Compilers
* Cryptography
* Databases
* Game Design
* Linear Algebra

JiaoTong University (上海交通大学)

Study Abroad, Shanghai, China - May 2015 - August 2015


* Chinese Language
* Chinese Culture

Teaching Experience

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI

Tutor & IA (Instructional Aid) - September 2012 - December 2012

I helped write and teach the labs for EECS 101, a new class at the University of Michigan which was designed to encourage interest in Computer Science for students with zero prior experience.

Taught students basic smartphone app design using the MIT App Inventor to introduce programming logic to beginners.

Held regular weekly office hours for students to get help with homework and other issues.

Honor North-America Education - Shanghai, China

Part time teacher at an international high school in Shanghai, China.

Developed curricula and taught Western Music History & Introductory Computer Programming with Python

Boy Scouts

While in Boy Scouts, I served as a Den Chief and helped lead and teach a group of cub scouts in my community and encourage them to transition to full Boy Scouts after Webelos.

Computer Skills

I've used a lot of programming languages on a bunch of different projects.

Programming Languages (Roughly most experience -> least):
* Python
* C/C++
* Javascript / Typescript
* C#
* Rust
* Bash
* PowerShell
* Java
* Assembly (6502)

I also have signficant experience with running Linux, *BSD, and Windows systems, as well building software & packaging it for all of them as well.

Distros I've Used (Roughly most experience -> least):
* Ubuntu
* Arch Linux
* Alpine
* Red Hat
* Fedora
* CentOS
* Amazon Linux
* FreeBSD
* OpenBSD

Other Software Experience
* Git
* Sqlite
* Visual Studio
* WinDbg


- Excellent swimmer, literally been swimming since I was six months old

- Practiced piano for around ten years

- Wood carving

- Basic construction with lumber & plumbing

- Attended various entrepreneurship seminars and business classes.


- Studied Chinese & Chinese Culture in Shanghai, China

- Studied Spanish in South America in a small town in Ecuador

- DuoLingo user since 2016, languages I've studied on it:
* Spanish (+)
* Chinese (+)
* Russian
* Arabic
* Portuguese (-)
* Japanese (-)
* German (-)
* Korean (-)